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Joanne (etunimi)

Joanne is a name for girls. The name is a form of Joanna and originates from Englanti. On our website 122 people with the name Joanne rated their name with 4.5 stars(out of 5). So they seem very satisfied! Sometimes people write the name wrong. In our language some people struggle with the pronunciation of the name. Abroad this is a perfectly fine name. Joanne is in the top1000 of most popular names on facebook on position 207. Nicknames for Joanne are Jomppu, Jonsku and Jomppa.
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Meaning of Joanne

The meaning of Joanne is: "Jahve on armollinen".


122 people with the name Joanne voted on their name. Please vote on your name too.


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Ääntäminen englannin kielessä

Ulkomaalaisten mielipide


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Tyttöjen nimiä, jotka alkavat J-kirjaimella 125 nimiäTyttöjen nimiä, jotka päättyvät E-kirjaimeen 192 nimiäTop 1000 Facebook nimiä 1000 nimiä

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